Posted On Blog
A Portable APRS Frequency Monitor
This was something I put together while working on some APRS app ideas that I had. It uses the on-board…
Posted On Downloads
IZ8BLY P3D Decoder
Originally developed to be a decoder for the AO-40 Amateur satellite, we can also use it to decode the beacon…
Posted On Tutorials
Tracking Doppler with SDR++ and gPredict!
When it comes to monitoring satellites for new users, especially without spending a ton of money, there’s nothing better than…
Decoding VHF ACARS on Linux
I was playing around with my UV-K5 radio scanning Airband, something I haven’t done in many many years. I stumbled…
Posted On OP25MCH
Automatic Site Switching
I’m excited to announce that automatic site switching is finally working on the remote control head. As of this posting…
Posted On Tutorials
Monitoring ERT Utility Meters!
GitHub: https://github.com/SarahRoseLives/AndAMR AndAMR is an Android app that allows you to pull data from RTLAMR (An itron ERT monitoring application)…

Sarah Rose
An avid amateur radio operator and linux fan girl.